As part of our ongoing commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), we put together this resource guide to support the founders and leaders within our portfolio. This is just one of many steps we are taking as a firm to address systemic racism and foster much needed change.
The information below focuses on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and provides tactical ways for startups to build diverse teams and inclusive environments. As the conversation, strategy and tactics—as well as our own learning—around DEI continue to evolve, so will this guide. Please send comments and feedback directly to the Notable Platform Team at [email protected].
Thank you - Team Notable
If you have specific questions about F+L Workshops, please ping @Jennifer Holmstrom, @Bailey Dickey or @Nadia Kilgore
Hiring Diverse Teams: Attract & Hire
Building Inclusive Environments: Grow & Retain