Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. - LAO TZU
They say that Diversity is being asked to the party, and Inclusion is being asked to dance. When it comes to diversity and inclusion, one cannot work without the other. Finding and hiring a diverse team is important, but growing and retaining them is just as important. A lot of times companies focus on short D&I wins versus making long-term structural changes. As we've seen with systemic racism in America, well intentioned people can perpetuate inequity when the system isn't designed to produce equitable outcomes. Below we talk about some basic ways to build inclusive environments and focus on creating equitable outcomes through both behavioral and structural inclusion.
Building an Inclusive Workplace in a Divisive World
Why Diversity In Hiring Is Only One Part Of The Puzzle
Diversity Efforts Fall Short Unless Employees Feel That They Belong